deer car accident

Understanding the Alarming Statistics on Car Accidents Involving Deer

Car accidents are a significant public safety concern around the world with a variety of contributing factors. One less discussed but equally important aspect is the involvement of deer in these accidents.

The collision between vehicles and deer can result in severe consequences for both humans and wildlife.

In this article, we will explore the statistics surrounding car accidents involving deer, shedding light on the magnitude of the issue and its implications.

Each year, thousands of car accidents occur due to encounters with deer. According to State Farm, there were an estimated 1.8 million deer-vehicle collisions in the U.S. between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023, alone. While not all of these collisions resulted in fatalities, they did cause significant damage to vehicles and pose risks to drivers and passengers.

Human and Animal Casualties

Car accidents involving deer can have tragic outcomes for both humans and the animals themselves. In the U.S., these accidents cause an estimated 1.1 billion dollars in damage and 200 human fatalities each year, as reported by the IIHS. Thousands of people sustain injuries ranging from minor to severe. The emotional and financial toll on individuals involved in these accidents is substantial.

Deer are also the other victims. Many are killed or severely injured in these collisions, further highlighting the need to address this issue comprehensively. This not only affects deer populations but also impacts local ecosystems.

States where deer accidents occur

Statistics on car accidents involving deer vary by region, with certain areas experiencing a higher frequency of these incidents. States like West Virginia, Montana and Pennsylvania have consistently reported some of the highest numbers of deer-related accidents.

StateDeer collision odds
1. West Virgina1 in 38
2. Montana1 in 53
3. Pennsylvania1 in 59
4. Michigan1 in 60
5. Wisconsin1 in 60
6. Iowa1 in 63
7. Mississippi1 in 64
8. South Dakota1 in 69
9. Virginia1 in 78
10. Missouri1 in 80
Top 10 states where deer collisions are most likely

When do the most deer accidents occur?

Deer are most active during their breeding season called the rut, which typically occurs in the fall. During this time, the risk of car accidents involving deer rises significantly. Drivers are advised to exercise extra caution during the early morning or early evening when deer are more likely to be on the move. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) suggests that nearly 20% of all deer-related accidents occur in November.

Addressing the issue of car accidents involving deer requires a multi-faceted approach. Several preventive measures can help reduce the frequency and severity of these incidents:

  1. Educating the public about the risks of deer-vehicle collisions and the precautions they can take is crucial.
  2. Installing deer warning signs along known deer migration routes and high-risk areas can provide advanced notice to drivers.
  3. Lowering speed limits in areas known for high deer populations.
  4. Some vehicles are now equipped with advanced animal detection systems that can warn drivers of potential collisions with wildlife.


Car accidents involving deer are a significant concern, causing injuries, fatalities, and financial losses. Understanding the statistics surrounding these accidents is essential for policymakers, wildlife conservationists, and drivers alike.

By implementing preventive measures and increasing awareness, we can reduce the risks associated with deer-vehicle collisions, ultimately making our roads safer for both humans and wildlife.

Featured Photo credit goes to Scott McIntyre


  • Hey folks! I'm Trey Copeland, founder of Made To Hunt. I'm from Kentucky and love the outdoors. I've been hunting or fishing in many states including KY, MO, MS, AR, TN and FL as well as Mexico and Costa Rica. For more updates follow me on Twitter.

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